
TCP Proxy

可用来未知协议,修改发送到应用的数据包,或者为模糊测试创建一个环境。 [本地IP][本地端口][远程IP][远程端口][recevice_first]


[*] Listening on
[===>] Recived from
0000   32 32 30 20 4D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74 20 46 54    220 Microsoft FT
0010   50 20 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 0D 0A                   P Service..
[<==] Sending 27 bytes to loaclhsot.
0000   32 32 30 20 4D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74 20 46 54    220 Microsoft FT
0010   50 20 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 0D 0A                   P Service..0000   32 32 30 20 4D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74 20 46 54    220 Microsoft FT
0010   50 20 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 0D 0A                   P Service..
[<==] Sending 27 bytes to loaclhsot.

[<==] Sending 27 bytes to loaclhsot. [==>] Rec 11 bytes from loaclhost
0000   55 53 45 52 20 72 6F 6F 74 0D 0A                   USER root..
[==>] Send to remote
[==>] Rec 11 bytes from loaclhost
0000   55 53 45 52 20 72 6F 6F 74 0D 0A                   USER root..
[==>] Rec 11 bytes from loaclhost
 0000   55 53 45 52 20 72 6F 6F 74 0D 0A                   USER root..
[==>] Send to remote
[==>] Send to remote
[<==] Rec 33 bytes from remote
0000   33 33 31 20 50 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64 20 72 65 71    331 Password req
0010   75 69 72 65 64 20 66 6F 72 20 72 6F 6F 74 2E 0D    uired for root..
0020   0A                                                 .
[<==] Send to local
[<==] Rec 33 bytes from remote
0000   33 33 31 20 50 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64 20 72 65 71    331 Password req
0010   75 69 72 65 64 20 66 6F 72 20 72 6F 6F 74 2E 0D    uired for root..
0020   0A                                                 .
[<==] Send to local
[<==] Rec 33 bytes from remote
0000   33 33 31 20 50 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64 20 72 65 71    331 Password req
0010   75 69 72 65 64 20 66 6F 72 20 72 6F 6F 74 2E 0D    uired for root..
0020   0A                                                 .
[<==] Send to local [==>] Rec 15 bytes from loaclhost
0000   50 41 53 53 20 70 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64 0D 0A       PASS password..
[==>] Send to remote
[==>] Rec 9 bytes from loaclhost
0000   50 41 53 53 20 22 22 0D 0A                         PASS ""..
[==>] Send to remote
[==>] Rec 11 bytes from loaclhost
0000   50 41 53 53 20 72 6F 6F 74 0D 0A                   PASS root..
[==>] Send to remote
[<==] Rec 25 bytes from remote
0000   35 33 30 20 55 73 65 72 20 63 61 6E 6E 6F 74 20    530 User cannot 
0010   6C 6F 67 20 69 6E 2E 0D 0A                         log in...
[<==] Send to local
[<==] Rec 25 bytes from remote
0000   35 33 30 20 55 73 65 72 20 63 61 6E 6E 6F 74 20    530 User cannot 
0010   6C 6F 67 20 69 6E 2E 0D 0A                         log in...
[<==] Send to local
[<==] Rec 25 bytes from remote
0000   35 33 30 20 55 73 65 72 20 63 61 6E 6E 6F 74 20    530 User cannot 
0010   6C 6F 67 20 69 6E 2E 0D 0A                         log in...
[<==] Send to local
[*] No more date,close socket
[*] No more date,close socket
[*] No more date,close socket


import sys
import socket
import threading
def proxy_handler(client_socket,remote_host,remote_port,receive_first):
    remote_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    if receive_first:
        remote_buffer = receive_from(remote_socket)
        remote_buffer = response_handler(remote_buffer)
        if len(remote_buffer):
            print "[<==] Sending %d bytes to loaclhsot." % len(remote_buffer)
    while True:
        local_buffer = receive_from(client_socket)
        if len(local_buffer):
            print "[==>] Rec %d bytes from loaclhost" % len(local_buffer)
            local_buffer = response_handler(local_buffer)
            print "[==>] Send to remote"
        remote_buffer = receive_from(remote_socket)    
        if len(remote_buffer):
            print "[<==] Rec %d bytes from remote" % len(remote_buffer)
            remote_buffer = response_handler(remote_buffer)
            print "[<==] Send to local"
        if not len(local_buffer) or not len(remote_buffer):
            print "[*] No more date,close socket"
# this is a pretty hex dumping function directly taken from
def hexdump(src, length=16):
    result = []
    digits = 4 if isinstance(src, unicode) else 2
    for i in xrange(0, len(src), length):
       s = src[i:i+length]
       hexa = b' '.join(["%0*X" % (digits, ord(x))  for x in s])
       text = b''.join([x if 0x20 <= ord(x) < 0x7F else b'.'  for x in s])
       result.append( b"%04X   %-*s   %s" % (i, length*(digits + 1), hexa, text) )
    print b'\n'.join(result)
def receive_from(connection):
    buffer = ""
        while True:
            date = connection.recv(4096)
            if not date:
            buffer += date
    return buffer
def request_handler(buffer):
    return buffer
def response_handler(buffer):
    return buffer
def server_loop(local_host,local_port,remote_host,remote_port,recevice_first):
    server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        print "[!] Failed to listen on %s:%d" % (local_host,local_port)
        print "[!] Check for other listening sockets or correct permissions"
    print "[*] Listening on %s:%d" % (local_host,local_port)
    while True:
        client_scoket,addr = server.accept()
        print "[===>] Recived from %s:%d" % (addr[0],addr[1])
        proxy_thread = threading.Thread(group=None, target=proxy_handler, name=None, 
def main():
    if len(sys.argv[1:]) != 5:
        print " [localhsot][loacalport][remotehost][remoteport][recevice_first]"
    local_host = sys.argv[1]
    local_port = int(sys.argv[2])
    remote_host = sys.argv[3]
    remote_port = int(sys.argv[4])
    recevice_first =sys.argv[5]
    if "True" in recevice_first:
        recevice_first = True
        recevice_first = False
    server_loop(local_host, local_port, remote_host, remote_port, 


邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注